Thursday, November 20, 2008

All Glory to the Jesus Moth out of East Texas

Not to stay on a religious kick, but here is another older religious themed story, this time from KLTV 7 out of Texas. The image of moth to the right was taken from the guys at KLTV 7.

Here's the deal, a guy finds a moth and the patterns on its back seem to create a face, presumably of Jesus. As it happens, the local media picks up the story a little and throws it up on the Web site.

To her credit, reporter Courtney Lane has a little bit of fun with the short write-up. She mentions the image of Jesus being found on just about one of everything recently, but the best part of the whole thing? Check out the poll asking if the pattern on the moth resembles Jesus or not. Really seems out of place to just ask readers, “hey guys, you think this bug has the holy visage of Jesus on it's back? Yes? No? Somebody who isn't Jesus?

I guess it looks more like Skeletor.

Anyway, props, too, for the interview subjects in not taking the moth too seriously.

No, the story isn't vital in any sense of the word, but the way the story is played shows the reader that right up front.

Rating: Wine and Wenches all around.

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